We ran some errands after gymmastics class. She was good for the most part. She is at that age where she wants everything. Today she spotted a beauty shop chair for baby dolls and she asked if she could have it so her babies could get haircuts. Too cute. Right now, my response is usually "Well you have enough toys right now. Maybe Santa can bring it for Christmas." She is content with that, for now!
We came home and had lunch and then she took her nap without any struggles. Well, except she refused to go to the potty before hand. Sigh. Maybe she will be fully potty trained by Kindergarten? She's definitely made some progress, but she still isn't quite there yet.
After her nap, she watched Dora Super Babies episodes (her favorite) while I finished cleaning. When they were over, she grabbed her favorite baby doll "Rosie" and put her in the doll high chair by her play kitchen. Then she started to make dinner for her. Then she was feeding her and I helped her clear off her little table so she could have a little meal, too. She sat and was feeding Rosie.
She told me, "Rosie doesn't want to eat her dinner." I asked her why not. She said I guess she doesn't want desert. Oh my gosh, that's exactly what we say to her. Too funny.
Then after she was done with this, she grabbed Rosie and put her in her shopping cart. She got her little purse and packed a snack for Rosie (a pancake?? lol) and went "shopping." I heard her say, "No more toys" (must have heard me say it every time we are out). Then she started putting things in the cart - Rosie needed new shoes, some food. Then she said she was done shopping for Rosie and was going to shop for herself. Midway through her little shopping trip, she stopped, unzipped her purse, and got out the pancake and gave it to Rosie.
Finally it was time for us to eat dinner. Sierra ate the rest of her grilled cheese from lunch because I figured she wouldn't eat the salmon salad we ate. Rosie sat at the table with her and continued eating her pancake!
After dinner we went outside and hung out with some neighbors. Sierra played on her swingset and the neighbor's. Rosie went down the slide a few times also. Before she would get in bed, I had to help her change Rosie's clothes into pajamas!! Then she put her in the doll crib, covered her with blankets, and turned on the mini mobile. This is a nightly routine almost. Some nights she even gives her a "bath" - as in a pretend one in her doll bathtub without water, since Rosie has a cloth body and can't get wet.
I almost completely forgot about my sadness today and just enjoyed watching Sierra play. It was so adorable, like she was reenacting our day. And to hear her say the things I say all the time is so cute. I wondered if Adelyn was here with us, if I would appreciate all this as much? I wonder if I would be too busy to sit and watch Sierra? I'll never know. I do know that watching her play baby dolls a lot of the time, makes me wish so much that she had her sister here to play with, to help dress and give baths. And then in a few years, to play dolls with her sister. But today, the joy of watching her play and knowing exactly where she got the baby trait from (I was exactly the same way as a child) outweighed any sort of sadness. As I watched her today, I just smiled and thought "I seriously can't stand how cute my kid is!" I couldn't love anyone more.........
I am so glad that you had a good day, sometimes those are so hard to come by...soak it up! ((hugs))
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